size doesn't mean it will be happy indoors. If you are going for a breed rather than a moggie, think about an indolent breed like a rag doll or a persian. Both will need daily coat care though.
No don't!!! Look up tea cup anything! These animals do not exist in the real world and are just another fad made popular by idiot celebrities and money hungry breeders!
Any cat can be a house cat but you won't know until you get it. I had a Ragdoll that refused to stay home. Could I suggest your daughter speaks to her local cat rescue where they should be able to match her to a cat that likes to stay home.
If you let us know where in the country you are we can let you know where to look :0)
If you are in central Scotland then I would highly recommend the cat rescue centre at Fishcross, not far from Stirling. They are responsible for my two monsters. As Divegirl says, they can match you with a moggie.