Crosswords1 min ago
26 Answers
I need to get contraception sorted out but it's been a while and I'm unsure of my options. I've previously only ever taken the pill, but can't remember what it was called. I do know I took it constantly and never had the 7 day break.
I'm not overly keen to start taking pills again as I worry about the side effects they could have. However, I would like a contraception that would stop my periods altogether as I do suffer quite badly with cramps. Is there such a thing or do you only get this with certain pills?
I absolutely hate talking about stuff like this but would much prefer to have this discussion with a faceless Aber than my doctor, so all help and advice is greatly appreciated :-)
I'm not overly keen to start taking pills again as I worry about the side effects they could have. However, I would like a contraception that would stop my periods altogether as I do suffer quite badly with cramps. Is there such a thing or do you only get this with certain pills?
I absolutely hate talking about stuff like this but would much prefer to have this discussion with a faceless Aber than my doctor, so all help and advice is greatly appreciated :-)
\\\Just read it can cause a decreased sex drive. Wonder if they do a male version!\\\ The's called flannel pyjamas....
10:34 Tue 29th Jan 2013
Well, if they are following me with my implant, they'll be beyond bored by now :)
I had one put in a few months back and it's a bit odd at first (being able to feel it, only just though) and it was a little tender but I forget it's there now and haven't had a period (or even spotting) since it was in. It's helped with pain round that time and hormonal stuff, not all gone but a lot better.
Ring your doctors and see if they have a specialist nurse or doctor who can go through the options with you. They ruled a lot out with me due to various factors from age (apparently they don't like giving the injection, which was was I wanted, to over 30s now!), to meds I'm taking, weight etc...
I then got info on the options open to me to choose and it was pretty much implant or mirena coil and I went for the implant.
I had one put in a few months back and it's a bit odd at first (being able to feel it, only just though) and it was a little tender but I forget it's there now and haven't had a period (or even spotting) since it was in. It's helped with pain round that time and hormonal stuff, not all gone but a lot better.
Ring your doctors and see if they have a specialist nurse or doctor who can go through the options with you. They ruled a lot out with me due to various factors from age (apparently they don't like giving the injection, which was was I wanted, to over 30s now!), to meds I'm taking, weight etc...
I then got info on the options open to me to choose and it was pretty much implant or mirena coil and I went for the implant.
If you still need further information about the various options available, following the links here might be helpful:
http:// www.nhs .uk/con ditions /Contra ception /Pages/ Introdu ction.a spx
Hi, just thought I'd chime in here. I was on the pill for years, from an early age as I have always had extremely heavy periods and it was used to regulate them and to help prevent cramps. I started on cileste, after a couple of years I did find that I forgot quite often to take, which when I was younger wasn't a problem, but as I got older it was a concern for obvious reasons, so I decided to try the injection (depo-provera) because it lasts 2-3 months. BIG mistake, my mood swings were terrible, I never really belived any of the side effects of contraceptives before but I was like a different person, for 2 months I cried every single day and I was covered in spots, literally my entire back was filled with hundreds of spots (never really had spots) as soon as it wore off I looked at other options, I wasn't comfortable with the idea of the coil or implant (personal choice) so went back to the pill, cileste, this gave me similar mood swing issues so they changed me to one called yasmine and I would not change back now, no cramps, regular periods (3 days tops of light bleeding) and no mood swings/weight gain/depression. Definately speak to your nurse and talk through all the options :)
Different things suit different people, I was fine on depo for about 2 and a half years then gained a stone in six weeks. A mate of mine went from Twiggy to La Loren over about two months, her husband would have been delighted except she also started throwing things. It was quite scarey for them actually as it was totally out of character.