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cupid04 | 02:53 Wed 30th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Please can you get rid of the spam? lol!


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You think the spammers would give up. Surely no-one in their right mind would buy any of their gear.
I was a bit slow tonight. (I banned that regular spambot last night before it had posted in all categories). I have to go to the spammer's profile, click 'Ban', enter a reason, type in my password, click 'Submit' and wait for several seconds before AB's server acknowledges it. It's hard to beat that computer which is rapidly generating spam!
The problem, Cupid04, is that the (human) spammer simply configured a computer many months ago to generate that stuff every night. He doesn't know how long it stays here, or even whether the username is banned. The computer simply registers a new name every night anyway and posts the usual rubbish.

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