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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:39 Thu 31st Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
167 Answers
Thursday. Not raining at the moment. Quite calm really. Can't be bad. I'm out most of the day.

Have a happy day everyone.



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Hi Sloopy....this is Tree Kill....the next step.............
careful gness, machinery may scare them off ;)
Hmmmm.....could that be where I've being going wrong with men, Sloopy?
Morning all, first check-in from Hampton, luvving it here so far, got a dog walk sorted out, tried the Local Pub, and met the neighbours, all ok at the mo.
Lots more sorting out to do, today is picture hanging day, or so I'm told'
Hope you all have a good one!
it's a faint possibility, gness...

mornin' balders, that all sounds good
Morning Baldric glad the moves gone well. Two words of advice (a) use a spirit level (b) don't take any crap from those 'swampies'.
Putting the catapult together in spare time tony, seems that some sort of refinery is the main target area from here!
Nice shiney towers!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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