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Why Does The Sound Of Running Water

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McMouse | 15:12 Thu 31st Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
make me want to pee?


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Autosuggestion........via the Autonomic nervous system.

That is medical buiishit.....nobody really knows.
Why do I want to pee more at night than during he day?

Whenever we pee (and that's a lot during a lifetime) we hear the sound of running water

so it would be natural to associate the two

i wonder if the sound of someone throwing rocks into a lake would make one want to poo?
cupid.....I give in.....why do you want to pee more at night than during the day?
Cupid you drink too much at night x
You're the doctor, I was asking you.
Oh! As it was in CB I thought it was conundrum or something..............
McMouse, I see you've asked tis question before
You asked that question four years ago. (Caught by Related Questions, one up to Ed)
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McM is this a four year tradition like the Olympics and World Cup?
McM your pouch is too tight.
Boss of mine was so bladdered that his wife was woken up with him standing there in front of a bedroom sink, tackle out, water running and no pee............apparently he thought that he was still having a piss. the pouch isn't too tight...his tackle is too big.
DT. ......LOL
Not having the proof Sqad, I won't argue.
Mamya, a photo would be interesting and I would guess ummmm, lottie and a few others would blow a fuse...

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