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Good Morning All

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janbee | 05:46 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
Hello all from a rain lashed Sussex. xx Hope it's better where you are.


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Will do murray.
Mind you, it has taken me years of training! xx
DT....just read your beautiful words on my other going to keep them for when I'm feeling low....thank you so so
Glad you enjoyed them, we all need pick-me-ups from time to time......are you back home now or still at the parents - or at the hospital (you will have to warn your Dad that this all has to stop as folk will be thinking that you are staff!).
Still at hossie waiting for pharmacist.....going back to mum`s will keep eye on dad so mum can get some sleep....thanks again DT and everyone you're so kind...expect an invite to staff parties here xx
morning all, minty you are a saint, I hope you all get home soon [ hospital pharmacies are a law unto themselves] and get some rest. ever thoughtful to let mum rest not thinking about yourself, pls take care, dont I know how hospitals exhaust you sometimes I sit next to CS bed and think if only I could have half an hour in that bed, anyway CS is improving daily so lets hope your dad is too & happy to be back home, does he know we all care ?

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