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Ann | 19:27 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Going away for 2 nights near Coventry (Hinckley side) with friends. Most of the stately homes are closed at the moment - is there anywhere we can go if the weather isn't good please? Doesn't seem much around ...........


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cannot help you directly Ann

but i would like to say .... have a nice break
Don't know how far you are prepared to travel, this is roughly 30 miles form your location.

Might be worth checking out what's on at the NEC.
This is half an hour away - good for boys.....
Well worth a visit:

Close by:

Remember that there are good train services in the area if you don't want to drive. London Midland operate on the Coventry-Bedworth-Nuneaton route, with Cross Country trains running from Birmingham to Leicester via Nuneaton and Hinckley. Leicester is well worth a visit:
(There's an excellent market there, with good pubs, restaurants and shopping, plus much more)
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Thanks to you all for your good suggestions. Judging from the weather forcast it looks as if we will be staying indoors to keep warm, below freezing temps during daylight hours and a howling gale force wind - Nice! :( So may opt for the Coventry Transport Museum, the men will love it while us girls may do a quick whizz round it (free entrance) then go off for some retail therapy without the moaning men!! Also may go to Snibston Discovery Museum ............. so thanks again :)

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