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Having Early Night..

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murraymints | 22:09 Sun 03rd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers bed with kindle....spent the day with mum and dad...he's a bit more settled thank goodness....last week or so catching up with me I crashing out now....nighty night to you all, speak tomorrow..! X


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Nighty night Murraymints :-)
I won't be long. Kindle sounds like a great idea!
you sound exhausted, murraymints

get a good nights' sleep

Night murray, sleep well xxx
Night mmints and rest well.
Glad to hear dad is more settled.
Have a good sleep xxx
night night minty. sleep well.xx
sleep tight, minty, glad to hear there is some calm on your front.......enjoy the kindle....have had mine out today too.
Night night, sleep tight, don't let the bugs bite xxx
Night and sleep well....x
Dt, too much information! Lol ;)

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Having Early Night..

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