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Michel Roux Jr On Bbc2

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giveup | 20:41 Mon 04th Feb 2013 | Food & Drink
14 Answers
He's cooking pork but to my mind he hasn't left it in long enough. I know he's doing the crackling separately but I wouldn't fancy it.


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He's talking about eating pork pink.... nooooooooo....

and he says pork is red meat, no it's not, it's white!
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Glad its not just me.
He has if you leave it to rest as he has gets the meat deliciously moist - biggest failure of cooking, not resting, in my view.

However, one new thing, I have never come across quince paste in a gravy. Anybody used it?
The only thing I would do differently is to bung the joint into the oven for ten minutes to brown it off once the skin has been removed.

More to do with aesthetics than anything else, I just don't want to eat whist gelatinous fat.
pork is considered a red meat as it's the colour before cooking, not after.....
we've just commented on that, DTC - we love membrillo with cheese in Spain (and you can buy it in Waitrose now), but we've never tried it with gracy!
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Love my lamb pink and my beef rare,but pork a big no. Have never seen quince paste in gravy,but maybe its the next "In Thing"
the boiling water trick works well by the way - I got taught that, by chance too, in HK!
I haven't used quince paste but is it really any different to running a spoon or red currant jelly through your gravy to serve with lamb.

The sharpness cuts through the fattiness quite nicely.
I've got Quince Jelly, so will try it
BBC food is good.
We also thought the pork was well underdone and couldnt see the point of showing how to do crackling when he ended up taking it off the meat and putting in the oven separately - always better when done on the meat and carved off at the end. Very disappointing Michel but do agree on him saying quality of the meat is important....
I've got quince vodka.....
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I agree about the quality of the meat,but just don't fancy it undercooked.

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Michel Roux Jr On Bbc2

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