Are the staff totally to blame for this severe problem? " Duty of care " Has this Lib/ Con put managers in this position that they can not give the care because they have not got the staff due to cut backs, the staff can do the job, it's a pity the Government can not do there's.
I must admit that nurses, sadly, ain't what they used to be, in fact, after an overnight stay in hospital, waiting for blood test results, I think some of them should be sacked.
I can remember when hospitals had the smell of disinfectant or carbolic. Now they seem to have the smell of food and filth. Bring back matron, the old fashion type matron that put the fear of god into her staff.
I know what you mean Sammy, but I would like to see nurses who care enough to do the job properly. In my experience those nurses are few and far between these days. The very few good, caring nurses stand out a mile on a ward.