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TWR | 15:13 Thu 07th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
If you look at an other persons answer & think your is better, but has not been selected, does it bother you?


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no, however i wish the top bods would sort out best answers, as it doesn't seem to get updated
But what a great question TWR of your finest up to date.
mt - not looking for a best answer by any chance?
Me ? best answer wh0re? very da .........ok yes, thought I would give it a stab.
No, it doesnt both me one jot. Its only a bit of fun after all!
What a brilliant and incisive question TWR, I most certainly think it is your best to date, and wonderfully clear to all who read it, should definitely get a best question award!
Oh, and NO, it doesn't bother me at all.
No. I realise folk simply don't want the same person to have the best answer every time I post, so share it around a bit I say.
TWR, you should get a badge for Best Questions
I have said this before on other threads. I have 14 only 2 of which are viable. The rest are nonsense. It might be a bit better if whoever was dealing with it got it right but as it is it is just rubbish.
The only time I get upset is to see someone else;s answer which is BS from beginning to end and the asker says Oh yeah I think I'll do that then
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Sib not interested, let the Cliques do that otherwise they will start crying.
Nope. Doesn't bother me at all.
Aha, I was wondering about that, old geezer. Makes sense now.

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