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Do Gay People Have A Fault In Their Genetic Make Up?

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dave50 | 15:49 Fri 08th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
If man and woman have evolved to mate and procreate, does this mean that gays, being attracted to the same sex must have a faulty genetic make up? Before anyone starts, this isn't a dig at homosexuals, it's a serious valid question.


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Bu88ered if I understand it all.

And it was certainly an emotional occasion for Gareth Thomas the rugby player.

Why - I'll never know.
Emotional maybe because they are finally no longer living a lie.
Ahhhh thanks ummmm.

In my book the antonym of 'straight' is 'crooked' not 'gay'.

Strange eh?
I know...those damn gays going round stealing words!! Shocking :-)
In my book the antonym of 'gay' is 'cheerless'.

Not so strange eh?
Queer int it?
In my book the antonym of 'straight' is 'crooked' not 'gay'.

I'll not say it but think about it.
I was a Day (not gay) Boy at an all boys boarding grammar school.
There was a lot of homosexual conduct amongst the boarders, similar, I believe, amongst sailors back in the day.
Most of these were heterosexuals, but happy to accept any port in a storm.
There were, and still are, a few who were naturally homosexual. Not faulty or given a choice, but born as homosexual. Some "came out" and embraced their gayness, others hid their natural feelings and tried to live a "straight" life, and yet others,scared of what people might say, became asexual and missed out on a true loving relationship.
Let your freak flag fly high and enjoy life to the full, whichever way you swing.
There's a flaw in the op argument though, imo dave

The fact that people may be primarily attracted to the same sex doesn't,for practical purposes, prevent them from male/female biological reproduction
I'm short on Gay Irish Rebel songs Ummmm know any?

Feels of Arthurs' Thigh?
Not bad at all Duncer....:-) x
LOL @ Duncer!

(I hate that song BTW! Well, more the tune than the lyrics)
It's fairly pathetic really, but it's the best I can do.

Since gay couples dont have as many children as the others
it is obvious that there should be a evolutionary pressure to eliminate them - actually quite quickly

which is not observed.... there are as many gays around as there were years ago as far as anyone knows

which means that there has to be an evolutionary reason for their continued survival

and no one has identified it (but there has to be one - or they would be there)

as for a genetic fault - no

There are other conditions where this is seen - Sickle disease in the mild form may protect against the ravages of (falciparum) malaria

this is called a founder effect and is seen in other conditions

cystic fibrosis gene persists in the Northern European populations - ie shows a founder effect and has no proven reason for it - possibly it protects against worm infestation

It is rare in the African and Indian populations but has been reported in the immigrant populations oop t North and may be persisting

Finally Huntington's Chorea also shows the founder effect in the New England population (Arlo Guthrie's father was one I think) and the index case can even be identified on a 1630s ship (not sure if it was the pilgrim fathers)

Oh God and I havent even got onto my fave subject of why Ellis van Crefeld syndrome persists in one Aboriginal population

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