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Better Name

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weecalf | 09:47 Sat 09th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Im thinking could we not come up with a better name than pancake for Tuesdays offerings .Ok so its made in a pan is it a cake dunno .Cant think myself any ideas?


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a Cupid Cake (if you still love them, but you're Italian, not Greek)
He was known as Sauce Pan because he was known for being a bit cheeky.

Well, he would be. He never wears any clothes in pictures.

I suppose it's a bit tricky to wear clothes when you have goat legs.
Tilly, there are 2 of us in the Cupid household [not including the cat] . We have 2 each at a time With syrup and fresh lemon drizzled on them. Lovely!
That's o.k. then, cupid. Will pop in my local Co-op tomorrow and see if they're still on special offer.
Someone suggested Crepe they're not that bad are they?

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