I use www.myfitnesspal.com which allows you to add virtually ANY foods and gives the calorie count - but more importantly it allows you to build and store your favourite recipes, ingredient by ingredient to give total calories per portion. Sounds complicated at first but it really isn't .... and members (although there is no fee) tend to make their recipes public so you can search through them. I have recently started to use Slim Pasta and Slim Rice (Holland and Barrett) in place of the usual as it's only around 7 (yes, seven!) calories per 100g ..... needs some nice tasty ingredients. with it though.
Whipping up a quick frittata with leftovers and and 2/3 eggs is an easy option too. Bits of ham, or other meats, left over potatoes, onions, herbs, eggs - start in frying pan (using 1 cal spray oil) and finish under a grill to set it with a little cheese on top.
And what about Yuk Sung, the chinese dish eaten in lettuce leaves as a starter, makes a nice snack/supper. I use very low fat mince pork, light soy, water chestnuts, grated carrot, chinese 5 spice gently fried together - no need for any oil. eat in lettuce leaves or with some rice.