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I Just Had Some Cod

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slinky.kate | 22:37 Sat 09th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
i think,i hope it wasnt shark or something else ????


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if you still have all your limbs then chances are it was either cod or seahorse
Well you can't seem to rely on anything being what you think it is?
D'ya think it might be beef slinky? ;)
Having eaten Coley for many years ( when Jimmy Youngs food advisor said how good it was, Circa 1980) I tried cod again. I found it delicate and have gone back to Coley,
I was going to have some cod tonight. I got rather put off when I saw the worms in it, was so looking forward to it :(
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aw beattie,fgs.your making me heave
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beattie i dreampt about fish last night,i bought a fish supper but the fish looked like a catfish and it was raw,had worms in it,see what you've done.????????
Not cooked it first ?
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in my dream it was raw...

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I Just Had Some Cod

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