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maggiebee | 10:03 Tue 12th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
"We will deliver your new tumble dryer between 7 and 9 am. Please be available to take delivery." Guess what? Yup, up at the crack of dawn (for me) and they've just been. Grrrrrr


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It's called sods law lol
10:05 Tue 12th Feb 2013
It's only an estimate. It's not written in stone.
It's called sods law lol
We get a delivery slot from Waitrose and they are always within it.
Console yourself that they at least showed up TODAY and not 5 pm.
I think arriving within an hour of an already reasonable time slot is acceptable. Besides which, delivery drivers have no control over things like traffic.
Agree with EB, I would accept that as a pretty good result.

I think to get a delivery at 7am you would have to live next door to the depot.

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