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70Th Birthday

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pinkjudy45 | 18:13 Wed 13th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
My husband will be 70 later in the year, has anybody got any ideas how we could celebrate it, perhaps with the family or not, also finances are a bit tight so nothing too costly.


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Dinner at home.....perhaps a local catering company if the £s will stretch that far, allows you to get your own booze in.
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Thanks for the suggestion DTcrosswordfan, sounds good to me, I will hunt out catering firms.
If you were down in Cornwall, there is a new one opening up that I know and two very good chefs involved.....
The set piece, at least here in the U.S., is the 'Life's Book" for the 70 year old. It can be simple or especially well done and includes photos , stories from friends and relatives, newspaper articles and a career history (armed services as well, if applicable) and people form the past. Always appreciated and can be reviewed for years to come.

A simple but elegant Champagne Glass with "70" on it and tied with a silver ribbon (not black!). A "show" type poster set at the front door of whatever venue you happen to choose, fitted with silver ribbons and largish picture of the honoree.

Lastly, we attended a recent 70th, and the family put together 70 very small gift boxes (about 2 X 2 X 4 inches) and filled them with inexpensive, funny little gift items. He got a pair of silly cuff links that he thought he had lost decades previeously. Many of the guest requested and got a box or three, but the family is usually charged with putting them together. Alternately, 7 of the little boxes would suffice...
I have created books in celebration of various birthdays. They go down very well. Just scan photos into compuuter and add a bit of text. Can be put in see thru a4 pockets in a folder or made into small booklets if you have the skills.
How fit is he? - does he have a bucket list that you could pick something off?
Lots of ideas in the related topics items at the bottom of the page!
Party at home with a stripper as a surprise Pink?
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We are not in Cornwall, but thanks anyway. Thanks for all the other ideas, the different gift boxes sounds a great idea and fun to do, as do the photos in an album, his adult children would be good at that. The stripper has already been done for his 50th.

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