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I Am 5' 4" And Weigh About 7 Stone...

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Jeza | 22:08 Thu 14th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Far too thin I know. Out and about today in the shopping centre I was approached by weight watchers for a free join up, I nearly wet my self laughing. I'm trying to eat to put weight on.


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LOL, Jeza.

They must have had the same training as the people who deal with telephone claims for JSA. After establishing that I'm a 59yo male living alone, they ask "Is anyone in your house pregnant?! ;-)

This might be of interest -
They wouldn`t have let you join up though as they have guidelines as to who can join and who can`t (based on weight and height)
Jeza, I loved that story the other day (over on Jokes).....

Man goes to the Doctor.
"I think I am over-weight, Doctor?"
"Yes you are; you need to watch what you eat."
So he went to the Grand National.
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It says I am under weight. I know this. Mic says he's seen more fat on a chip.
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DT. love it.

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I Am 5' 4" And Weigh About 7 Stone...

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