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The Tuck...

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Jemisa | 00:06 Fri 15th Feb 2013 | Jokes
4 Answers

Stanly asked his mate Ron how he got his black eye."You"d never believe it," said Ron, "but I got it in church."He said he had been sitting behind a fat lady and when they stood for a hymn, he noticed her dress was creased into the cheeks of her @rse "All I did was lean forward and pull it out and she turned around and hit me." Said Ron.

A week later Stanly was surprised to see Ron had another black eye."I got this one in church, too," explained Ron .He said he found himself behind the same fat woman and when they stood for a hymn her dress was once again creased into the cheeks of her @rse ."My little nephew reached forward and pulled it out.
But I knew she didn"t like that, so I leaned over and tucked it back in."


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Tee-hee. I liked that one - made me smile loudly.
Heard Jethro tell this one many years ago. Good one though.
LOL, picking bits of toast and coffee off the key board.
Will tell that one to dad in hossie today...Will make him laugh...

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The Tuck...

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