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Fao Naomi

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cupid04 | 10:32 Sat 16th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
My comment on Tilly's post wasn't supposed to offend you. It was just a jokey
throw-away comment. I was just pointing out that I'm always outnumbered by
unbelievers that's why most of the time I choose to stay away.


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Without the nuances of facial expressions and the intonation of language, it's easy to misinterpret the written word.
11:14 Sat 16th Feb 2013
Oh cupid you are a hard wee wench! Lol
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Thankyou murraymints, you are very kind!xx
I suspect Naomi is far too intelligent to misread something and take offence where it wasn't meant.

Can't say I've ever been offended, just a wee bit brassed off at being misunderstood a few times, but that was probably as much my fault for not expressing myself clearly.
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