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Weightwatchers Online

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yelenots | 16:32 Fri 25th Jan 2013 | Weight Loss & Dieting
4 Answers
Has anyone tried this? Can you recommend it?
Thanks! :-)


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I'm not sure but I don't think your daughter would be allowed to follow the WeightWatcher system. I think you should seek the guidance of your doctor about this.
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Ruthie - I haven't got an 11 year old daughter!
I'm not sure if you still need the answer - but yes I have, and it's excellent. I have been on the WW scheme on and off over the years (I know that doesn't sound a good recommendation lol) but overall it's a very good system, you just need to stick at it.
Yes i have done it in the past and lost weight with it. I find WW easier to follow than most others.

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