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Fao Pysbbo.

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cupid04 | 19:49 Sun 17th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
You've got one too, now!xx


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I don't know what it is, but I think I might want one!
xxx, happy now but we'll get shouted at
Careful what you wish for tenrec !.
Question Author
can we get into trouble for spamming? Everybody wants one now. I've started a trend!
Ha ha Tony!
well, if you are giving them away .......

I feel even better now Psybbo's got her Debbie avatar back.
When are you giving me your scandanavian looks again or was that fiction?
Fact. Just made a brief reappearance.
Did you blink and miss it?

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Fao Pysbbo.

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