And then logging back in.
Is there any advantage & if not, why would people bother?
Also, while we're here. The other day I was filling in a form on-line but had to leave it. Spent hours going around & around trying to get back 'in'.
When I rang help-line next morning I was told (& told how) to cancel all the cookies & hey presto, instant success.
What is a cookie?
Should one clear them from time to time as a matter of course?
PS. I tried the AB search facility but phone kept 'seizing up'
We always log out when we leave any site - just in case, it's for security. I'd certainly do it if I was on a phone. Lose the phone, someone else gets direct access to all your sites if you don't.
You only need to 'Log-out' if you are using other than your own personal Computer. If say you logged into AB from a Public Library's equipment and failed to 'Log-out' then anyone could come along, enter AB as a 'guest' and be logged-in as you and post under your Username. I always remain 'logged into AB, it save me having to enter my Username and password each time I enter the site.
I'll leave for the moment so that others can explain what are Cookies.
I'm not logged into anything personal or sensitive so not bothered about security. I was wondering if the internet would work better/quicker concentrating on one site at a time.( I suspect it makes no difference)
If you trust all the people who have access to your computer you can stay logged in, I do. If not, anyone can use your username to post offensive or rude posts and anyone can buy/bid on items where you may legally be liable to complete the purchase.
Secure sites don't allow you to stay logged in and indeed, many use a 'time out' to disconnect you after a certain period of inactivity.
No security worries. As I said, I thought maybe your computor worked better logged in to one site at a time, but I guess not.
Googled 'cookies'. They're like a little double agents giving your location away, sort of, I think.
Funny that I had to cancel them to re-access that form.
Opposite of what I'd think.