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Correct Grammer ???

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porkchop | 14:30 Thu 21st Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
A sports headline in a daily newspaper reads " PADDY THRONE INTO HOT SEAT". (Paddy Jackson replaces Jonny Sexton in Irish rugby team)
Is this proper grammer, or should the "THRONE read "THROWN" or maybe both can be used. Any views?


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I realise that they would know it wasn't her, sandy! Did they call the tinned meat Sweet Fanny Adams then?

I thought you used the expression 'Sweet FA' when you had ended up with nothing to show for your efforts/time.

I will google it and see what it says.
Oh, thanks Baldric. You saved me a job then.
I was only joking, Tilly2.
or rather, trying to joke
Porkchop it should be correctly after Grammar!!
If you're going to be pedantic, it should be incorrectLY!
I read the wikilink, Baldric. What a horrible story. Thank you anyway.
I know you were joking, sandy.

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Correct Grammer ???

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