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Can You Remember When We Were All Horrified At The Thought That ...

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Stargazer | 19:17 Fri 22nd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Petrol was on its way to being a possible £1.00 per gallon? We are such suckers. How much is it a gallon now and we still pay up?


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What choice do we have though, when we have to travel to work because its too far to cycle or walk and there's no option of car sharing?
how long ago did one pay 1 pound a gallon, admittedly the costs now are high, but so by and large are wages.
Its gone up to 137 where I am. It was 132 a couple of weeks ago.
also big problem when one is so reliant on foreign imports of anything,
Yes but, no but, yes but.....
First tiem I had an interview in London, I got a day return from manchester for £5 on an offer. I think the normal price was £15.....
We'd all use public transport if we could afford it and it bothered turning up or scraping last night's vomit off the seats.
4 shillings and threepence per gallon when I got my first car in 1965! Mind you, annual salary was £750, less income tax, NI contribution and 6% pension contribution.
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I pay up and realise how much it now costs to fill the tank. I use a free bus pass when I don't need to carry lots of stuff. I just wondered if anyone can work out how much would a gallon be at todays price per litre. We were so shocked all those years ago at the very thought of £1 per gallon and now we pay more than that for a mere litre.
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Being retired and without a pension (from a job) I have no wage to compensate.
It's a huge scam afaic - the f*cking b*stards.
I know it shows my age but the Saturday job I had as a kid was as a petrol pump attendant, no self service in those days, and Shell Super the equivalent of four star was 4/11d per gallon, four gallons for less then a pound. I was paid 2/- per hour plus tips and that, believe it or not, was good money for a 14 year old.
exactly, my first wage packet was 10 quid a week, and believe me i felt wonderful earning that much, it certainly seemed to go a long way, but i didn't have so many responsibilities then, and once you do, your earning don't look so healthy, wages go up and so does the cost of living. Travelling by train is ok if you can work out the nightmare ticket system, so many different price ranges, and some of those who make it a horrible experience, not just vomit, but detritus, feet on seats, mobiles so loud your ears explode, and someone tap tap tap on a laptop....
When I started as an apprentice at the pit my wage was £5-5s before stoppages and for the first two years when I couldn't work overtime I could get more money at my part time job then at the pit.
I recall my mother being absolutely incensed when fillet steak hit £1 a lb.
£5 a week for me when I left school as an apprentice toolmaker.
I remember my ex vowing to give up smoking when fags got to £1 a packet. He didn't.
i thought that when beer was 3 quid a pint the earth would cease to exist, it's still here and now average pint is over 4 quid, it's enough to turn you drink, if you could afford it
Bloody hell em beer's expensive in London ain't it.
I can remember having a good night out for half a crown. Mind you it was Rough Cider.
For anyone who needs the conversion done: Petrol costs £1.389 per litre at my local Tesco (which, incidentally, usually charges 6p per litre more than the nearest Tesco in the opposite direction. That's equivalent to just over £6.31 per litre.

I can remember my friend's dad, when I was a kid, complaining that petrol was 2s 6d (12½p) per gallon. Far more importantly though, I can remember my drinking friends saying that they'd give up going to the pub if beer ever reached 50p per pint (they didn't) and then making the same threat (which was again not carried out) when the price of beer was approaching £1 per pint.

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