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Is It Safe On Chrome Yet?

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Tilly2 | 20:24 Sat 23rd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
IE is driving me bonkers. It's so slow!


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I've just come off Google and had no notice when logging on here.
Which browser are you using, AYG?

If it's Internet Explorer it won't display the warning because it doesn't use the security system which Firefox, Chrome and Safari do.
I had 3 attempts before I got on here, that red thing kept coming up.

Never been so scared in my life!
Im using IE with kaspersky security. no warning comes up.
Brinjal, that is because IE and Kaspersky are just crap and missing the alleged threat.
Chrome seems to be ok this morning
chrome ok this morning, is it because the ads have been dropped?
chrome is working fine for me
Yes, Chrome is fine this morning now the the ads have all gone
shows how wide-awake I am - didn't even notice that there are no ads....

oh, the peace though.
It's the speed that I'm finding stunning without the ads, feels like I live in the big city.
I was ok until late yesterday,so I just avoided coming on here.
I have FF,but my warnings came via Google
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Wow, the speed with which this site works this morning is amazing. I've actually managed to get in a first answer to a crossword clue. Usually I'm two minutes behind having to submit and resubmit.
I cleared out my history as well, so super-fast
I just realised there aren't any ads...nice.
I don't know if it's relevant,but recently when I'd be on AB,a seperate window would open spontaneously for some sort of gaming site. It would happen when I was not even sitting at the pc.
Chrome and IE are both working fine.

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Is It Safe On Chrome Yet?

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