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Fine Dining

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BlueToffee | 09:42 Sun 03rd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Mrs BT and I enjoyed one of the finest meals ever last evening, Michelin star quality and presentation, all prepared and served by our daughter and husband at their house.

Don't know where she got her culinary skills from, certainly not her mum and dad!

Won't tell you where it is or else there'll be a queue outside her front door.

Roll on the next time.



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Lucky you BT, having an excellent cook in the family, my 12 year old daughter is showing an aptitude in the kitchen so maybe I'll be writing the same thread in 15 years time :)

What did you have?
Can I adopt her please?
How lovely BT. My daughter likes to cook and I like to go to her house to a meal - which is going to happen soon on Mother's Day. I think there has to be a love of producing good food to make a good cook. I am reduced to frozen ready meals myself. Good at baking though!
how nice for you &mrs BT to have such a lovely daughter.
what was on the menu BT ?
How ,lovely. What did you have to eat?
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Apologies for not replying to your questions earlier about the menu, but been at son's house all day, painting.

First course: smoked salmon brioche with caviar, lightly poached eggs with horseradish and cream, topped with asparagus .... scrummy

Second course: buttered potatoes, roasted haricot vert wrapped in pancetta, and filet of beef topped with wild mushrooms and Parmesan sauce .... Even scrummier.

Third course: double chocolate cheesecake with chocolate chip base, and cream.

Only downer, given up alcohol for Lent, Sainsburys alco free wine just isn't the same as a decent Rioja!

Looking forward to the next time!

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