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If There Was A Fawlty Towers Operating Today How Much Would The Long-Stay Guests

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sandyRoe | 10:19 Sun 03rd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
by paying for their accommodation?


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Lots of them are operating, I've stayed in quite a few.
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anneasquith, if I could escape from my responsibilities here a room of my own could be just what I need.
you could be the major :)
I have an aunt who is looking at that as an option and she could take a cottage suite in a rather nice hotel and its cheaper than being in a home.
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I used to think the Major led a life of Riley. He had a bar to hand when he could sip his morning whiskey while trying to solve the crossword in the Telegraph.
indeed he did sandy...... thats why i think you may enjoy his life. :)
He once breezed through the lobby, newspaper under his arm, on route for the bar, exclaiming, "Evening Fawlty - Hampshire won!" I thought that was redolent of an England I once knew and loved.
If you'd been watching that programme The Hotel a few weeks back - it's still there, and people seem to love it. That was one weird operation.
I know of someone who lived on a ship. She had a permanant cabin and went on all the cruises. She had her laundry done for her, hairdresser on tap, entertainment every day, regular meals, met hundreds of different people during the course of the year and visited places all over the world.
She reckoned it was just as cheap as living in a house or bungalow and for a 'holiday' each year she stayed with friends or relations in England for a week or two..
The original F T was in Torwuay and we stayed at a clone a hundred metres away.

We also as F T lovers went to the hotel in St Albans that starred in Polizzi's hotel because it looked as tho the staff loved working there ( a very telling point) and it was great - truly wonderful

The White Hart

Half timbered - 1500s pilgrimage coaching inn - if you want a travel lodge dont go !

and it was £90 a night

yeah and cue X files music
we went to my frenz twinz and told him all about it and I said
actually the hotel doesnt look unlike the print you have had on your sitting room wall for 40y
and we turned it over amongst cries of 'oh give over' and 'silly' and 'heard this before' and 'make him take his pills'
and the label said it was ! - [tower stuck on at the back of the house which may have been the front of the house 500 y ago and now contains the staircase ]

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