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I Knew It Was A Mistake

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Baldric | 18:19 Sun 03rd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
25+ years ago when we got married, my OH was not wearing White, she has got absolutely no affinity with the other kitchen appliances, swo here I am doing Sunday lunch yet again!!!!


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Are you my gp dtcrossword? No? Then why would i be giving you my personal information? My hdl is very high , my ldl is low, my triglcerides are satisfactory and my total cholesterol desirable.

You seem to mention alcohol all the time and it's starting to sound like your dependent on it. Be careful, alcohol addiction is not a joke!
Oh yes I drink eight bottles of red wine a day, two before breakfast, three before lunch, three in the afternoon and five in the evening and I'm still bjoer as a sudge to write on here....
fyi my count last week was a massive ten units - as what a numpty you are, ronnie, for if you had done your research on here, I was on a post Christmas fast until mid Feb and haven't been imbibing at home since, only if out in the evening or Sunday lunchtime.

so an apology appreciated for the stupid comment you made.

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I Knew It Was A Mistake

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