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The Human Race Is To Be Eradicated - Trust No-One

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wolf63 | 19:51 Mon 04th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Those pesky felines are still attempting to overthrow the humans on the planet. They are planning total world domination.

I hope that this pesky link works


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It's a cat'sasstrophy !

So, we must prepare for the inevitable CATastrophe
It's a purrrrrfect disssgiuse for worrrld domination..
Will one of them puss the button?
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My two are fighting over a cardboard box at present - wonder what weapon of mass destruction they will turn that into.

They certainly have plenty of cattitude
Please don't mention the C word to me. I just had to worm all four of mine..........
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Barmaid - have just been reading 'Pete the Vet' in facebook. He found a little dog abandoned yesterday, she is pretty ill - turns out it is a worm infestation. It is gross. Yuck!
I know. Given that they are starting to go out a bit more now and starting to hunt I thought they ought to be treated. I think my girlie might have worms as well. (Been acting funny the last couple of days).

I'll leave it 3 weeks and then do them for fleas.................

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The Human Race Is To Be Eradicated - Trust No-One

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