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Breathing And Heartrate

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wlaforme | 23:12 Tue 05th Mar 2013 | Science
4 Answers
How many times does a persons heart beat for every breath they take on average? Is is 3 or 4?


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15 breaths per minute, 80 beats, about 5 I'd guess.
This is not a ratio that is often calculated
and anyway has no meaning - it depends on both the function of the heart and lungs

This is the fourth q on this subject you have listed

Go and see your GP !
There is no average. I've said to you before, you seem very anxious about your inner workings. You need to talk to your GP about your anxieties.
As soon as you start to think about breathing your breathing goes all weird, if you are concerned you need to see our doctor.

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Breathing And Heartrate

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