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The Lung

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wlaforme | 16:17 Sat 02nd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Is anybody out there afraid or scared of their lungs? Im just wonderin if anybody has ever thought of that.


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How can you be afraid of a body organ? I don't understand what you mean. It's like asking if we're afraid of our feet....
Did you see that youtube clip of that dog that seemed to be scared of his feet?
How can you sit and think.... mmmmmmm.. I wonder if anyone is scared of their lungs... I know I will ask on chatterbank..
Sometimes my liver concerns me....
You need to go and see a psychotherapist. This is the 3rd question you have posted regarding breathing, lungs and being afraid of them.

If you have never been diagnosed with lung disease then you have absolutely no need to be frightened of breathing, stopping breathing and lungs in general.
What a weird question!
How did you think this one up?
Bit of a long (no lung) shot, but maybe the poster is referring to this:
Where in his posts does he mention being afraid of smoking/smoke?
He doesn't: that's why I specified a "long shot".
Having read the earlier threads, I think you ought to go and have a chat with your GP. You seem to have a lot of anxiety.
no. but my heart worries me
My brain scares me. Sometimes it's just too, well, "brainy"...
At the moment yes. Two weeks ago I lost my husband to lung complications (not through smoking). This is my first time on line since and I am so alone and devastated.
So sad to read that eiggam, it is a hard road you are travelling I know - be kind to yourself and take it a day at a time ((HUG))
Thanks Mamyalynne for those kind words. It's going to be a long haul but hopefully with time the pain will ease.
Not scared of them, but would be scared for them if I was a smoker.
All this concern about lungs is a load of hot air, you can breathe easy knowing that.

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