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I Like, Even Love My B & C

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Jeza | 23:32 Tue 05th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
96 Answers
Before bedtime. I always buy Pepsi Max. Today I could not be ar$ed with going to Asda to buy it ( I hate that shop, I go once a month for Mics Script ) I digress, In Aldi I bought a zero sugar cola 42pence. I expected it to be awful, but it wasn't. It tasted no different to Pepsi Max. So are the brand names ripping us off.


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I don't go to Subway because I'm not twelve years old. Most of their customers seem to be in school uniforms.
Oh, I don't know. You can't beat a steak and cheese 6" every now and again.

Phew. In that case, Caran ...

If you drive out of the jolly part of the town, before you get to Preston Park (where they try to pretend that the rest of Brighton isn't actually happening) ... you have to go through this strip of ... well, frankly, bandit country. The sort of area where you wouldn't go in a pub on your own, or leave your bike chained up. Bandit country.
What on earth is a steak and cheese 6" ?

No, no ... don't tell me ... I guess it's obvious.

Ok JJ I will be very careful. And very afraid next time I come to Brighton.
Lol. It's a 6" sub with... er... steak and cheese.

Well, ok, I'm not sure about the authenticity of the 'steak', but it's bloody lovely.... especially the day after the night before.

You wouldn't end up in that part of town, Caran, unless you were lost. Or going to Aldi.
Lol JJ. You're such a snob! :P
Okay, it WAS obvious! lol

The morning after the night before?

So it's like the edible version of the walk of shame? lol, lol
Haha. Yes, exactly like the walk of shame.

In fact, I would say walking into a Subway is a bit of a 'walk of shame'... :)
"the day after the night before"

You trying to confuse people? :)
Moi? Little old me? :)

Ok, so what I meant was it's good when you've had a bit of a heavy night.

Sleepy time. Night, guys x x x
Night JJ :) x
Night Jayne. x
Night night JJ

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