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A Sad Thing To Do, I Think.

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gness | 17:49 Mon 04th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
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I don't like to see dead and dying flowers on a grave and I don't go over the top decorating around my late husband's headstone as seems to be the norm now.
I made a beautiful wreath and every three months I change something about it to represent the season....til today.
I went to exchange winter for spring and some blighter has stolen winter. It was wired on to the top of the stem holder which is still there but with cut pieces of wire sticking out. I should be grateful they didn't take that I suppose.
I don't think it's kids or youths because the pedal car and toys for the child in the next grave are still there.
So I will make another, but I spent quite a bit on the stolen one so........if I sprinkle chili powder...quite liberally..on this one and it doesn't wash off will the thief...should he/she return.... suffer a little if the powder is transferred from their hands? With luck to a sensitive part of the body.


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Hi gness - flying visit before bed. What a thieving low life scum - I am sorry this happened. Now, forget all this namby pamby chilli nonsense. You need to tip the leaves with ricin, have a glass vial of anthrax secreted in the foliage and stand the wreath on a teaspoon or so of napalm. Cover the lot with some tastefully arranged razor wire. I am not saying it will...
00:44 Tue 05th Mar 2013
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Shoota...I didn't see any staff but on reflection there were some really odd things about that I should have taken more notice of if I wasn't so surprised at the missing wreath. Can't tomorrow but on Wednesday I'll go back and play Miss Marple.
i know you're mad - i would be too - and like i said, id find the grave with the wreath on and leave bunch of cheap flowers there with a cutting note - and hopefully shame and embarrass the thief.
but as someone else said its the thought that counts, and thats why the gesture for the thief's loved one, is pointless - because a stolen wreath is meaningless, and offensive - placing flowers on graves is not about making the grave look pretty, or showing others how generous you are by getting the biggest showiest bunch - its an act of love, a gesture of care - obviously something the thief doesn't realise or care about.
it would mean as much as just not bothering at all

Same thing happened to me at Christmas. I had bought a fabulous Christmas wreath to put on my late wife's grave and that was stolen. I hope that the barsteward who took it burns at the gates of hell - not that i'm bitter about it you understand.
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Hi Welshy.....sickening isn't it? So sorry it happened to you at a special time.
I have decided what I am going to do.......anyone getting hurt will deserve it because he/she will have to be really fiddling and intent on stealing.
Bit of a faff and sad to have to do this.x
Joko...don't really know if I'm mad...astonished at how low people can be though.

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