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Chevez Killed By Venezuela's Historical Ememies.

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anotheoldgit | 10:11 Wed 06th Mar 2013 | News
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The US and it's allies are often accused of various miss-deeds, but this is absolutely ridiculous, don't you think?


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Yes. But predictable.
this the US that tried to kill Castro with an exploding cigar?

I'm sure they would have done this if they could; and who's to say they couldn't?
Don't you know that America posts cancer to it's enemies as a matter of routine?
An exploding cigar would have been a rather ridiculous method of assassination and is surely one of the great myths. Although it may have foundation in a reality of sorts. The US certainly wanted rid of him.

The current allegation from Venezuela's vice president is beneath contempt. I used to think Chavez was a ray of hope for his country, but he turned out to be your typical corrupt, tinpot dictator, conveniently making political capital out of slagging off the US when it suited him but (to his credit actually) not refusing the US dollars which came his way to prop up his country.
I don't think ridiculosity is necessarily a deterrent, ichkeria; the only criterion is whether it works. Had it done so, it would have succeeded in making the victim look ridiculous, which would have been a bonus.

As to whether it's true - no idea. But it was widely reported as fact a decade or two ago, as other plans have been
I have no idea either way and we will have to wait for any evidence to back up the claim. I do not think the notion to be absolutely ridiculous. Other leaders have been assinated or died in suspicious circumstances, Arafat, Turgut Ozal, Pope John Paul.
There's been speculation that Yasser Arafat was killed by the Israelis. An opponent of the Bulgarian communist government was assassinated with a poisoned umbrella in London. More recently, a critic of the current regime in Russia was killed with a poisoned cup of tea, again in London.
Maybe Chevez was killed by the enemies of his country.
Killing someone with a poisoned umbrella (quick, effective and hopefully discreet although not as it turned out, and a murder known to have been committed) is one thing. Giving them cancer, quite apart from anything else, seems a bizarre method of killing someone. Then there's the question: "why would they do that? Hugo Chavez might have irritated the US, but well, need I go on? It's just another idle but predictable conspiracy theory with not a shred of evidence to back it up.

The Castro cigar thing: would Castro have seemed ridiculous if his cigar had exploded? I don't think so: we're not talking Red Nose day pranks here, we talking about trying to eliminate someone effectively and discreetly (see above)
It would be hard to think of a more high-profile and obviously incriminating way to do it. I can imagine it being suggested, and I have no doubt the CIA could have done it, but .. it never happened apart from anything else...
What is suspicious about Chavez's death? The poor man had cancer for two years. I cannot see anything suspicious about it at all.
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/// Maybe Chevez was killed by the enemies of his country. ///

Do you know how Chevez died and from what sandy?

I don't think that if scientists had a monkey in a Lab. for a number of months they would be able to make it contact cancer, do you?
And of course, the Yanks also helped to get rid of the democratically elected President Allende of Chile, thus paving the way for the dictator, General Pinochet.
"I don't think that if scientists had a monkey in a Lab. for a number of months they would be able to make it contact cancer, do you?"

Don't know about monkeys, but they certainly can (and do) induce cancer in rats in laboratories.
From the American perspective, removing Chavez would be most convenient as he really was an AntiChrist over there........
he had cancer and had been fighting it for some time, i can't see this as anything more than that
/I don't think that if scientists had a monkey in a Lab. for a number of months they would be able to make it contact cancer, do you? /

Yes we do actually aog

There are a quite a number of cancer inducing chemicals used in lab research

They are called CARCINOGENS

One example is
/Dimethylbenzanthracene; The oxidation of DMBA by P450 enzymes produces metabolites that form covalent adducts with DNA and the formation within DNA of depurinated abasic sites. It is most commonly used to induce skin or mammary tumors in animals, though it also can induce leukemias and tumors at other sites./
Chavez died from cancer.
//Chavez died from cancer. //

So did Litvinenko - with a little help from Polonium

I'm not saying the CIA poisoned Chavez - just that such a claim is less bizarre than it may sound

I mean in a world where dissidents are assassinated by stabbing with a poisoned umbrella!
I'd just repeat:
Why would the CIA murder Chavez? Hugo Chavez was not the worst person in the world. At the start he did a lot of good things for his people but he did make political capital out of demonising the US: it was almost you might say a sort of game: it helped his standing at home, he still got large cash subsidies from them and was largely harmless (the Cold War days of Allende and Castro are over).
But the reverse position doesn't apply: he may have irritated the USA, but he wasn't dangerous to them. Why go to the bother of killing him - especially like that, when I am sure they could have arranged an "accident" for him had they really wanted.
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It must be asked "who killed Jimmy Savile" then?
If they were going to kill him and, as ichkeria has already pointed out, it's a huge "if", then why not use a fast acting Russian style poison, rather than a cancer that took over two years to get rid of him?

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