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What Are Ashes Made Of

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tamborine | 14:22 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
On TV Mayday, wife mixed her OHs ashes to dog food that dog ate. Are ashes bonemeal ?


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the part of the body that isn't consumed in the crem is the skeleton.

the crem use a machine to crush the remnants of bone into very small pieces
Didn't watch this but seems to me the wife was being very derogatory about her OH's ashes and her OH if she gave him (virtually) to the dog to eat. Couldn't have thought much of him.
Maybe it was just summit to re ember him by
Give the dog a bone!
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Mayday OH hanged himself
Starone if you had watched you'd know she had good reason not to think much of him!
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zeu, are they just crumbled bones & different to log fire ashes
yes tambo

the crem uses a gas flame so intense it consumes coffin & fittings, clothing and soft tissue.

All that is left is pieces of bone and any remains of metal surgical implants.

Even the resulting small fragments from the crushing machine are still pretty solid and strong
what i mean is, they're not 'crumbly'

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What Are Ashes Made Of

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