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Has Britian Sent A Rep ......

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Jeza | 23:36 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
To the funeral of Chavez. I've googled but can't find an answer.


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would be the Ambassador.
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No royal or politician then DT.
Why do you want to know? Just curious.
£0 world leaders attended the funeral. An ambassador might be seen as a snub.
30 world leaders*
Red Ken may have gone as he was a Chavez fan, but that wouldn't have been in a UK representative position - it's one of the jobs of Ambassadors.
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I want to know because I'm interested in world affairs.
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He may have been a bit of a despot to the rest of the world Tambo, but his people clearly adored him.
some of them did, jeza; there are many who have emigrated as a result of his extreme socialistic views.
I wouldn't call him a despot but he clearly had no friendship for Britain. It would be rubbing salt in wounds if we sent a rep. A letter of condolence from PM should suffice.
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DT. I should have said his followers. Sorry, I did not intend to mislead anyone.
Methinks it would be like dancing on the graves of our troops lost in the Falklands.
If he worked to make the poor of the country a little better off, the people who wouldn't like him would be the rich. They'll probably be sitting in their villas in Florida celebrating his death.
What has Chavez got to do with the Falklands tambo?
Read the link daffy
It's the Daily Mail so I'd rather not thanks. They are not renowned for telling the straightforward truth in many reports.

If it is the empty threat Chavez made about supporting Argentina if we defended the Falklands then that is really all it was... an empty threat.
It was interesting to note that the only heads of state present from outside Latin America were those of Belarus and Iran.

Chavez was a populist leader. He knew that public statements condemning the US, promising to fight with Argentina in the Falklands in an imagined war etc. etc. would go down well with many of his people.
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I did read that Mr Dinner Jacket attended.

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