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Private Number Plates

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2sp_ | 16:13 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
Without getting into a debate about the naffness of private number plates, would you get one if your initials could be read as a rude-ish word?

For instance if they were FRT, CRP, SHT, ARS?

(I'll sit back and wait for the countless replies saying that they wouldn't have one at all...)



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one i saw some years ago was PEN1S.
16:48 Fri 08th Mar 2013
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Tell the truth, MT, that's your own car!
Nah, I would go for a Aston.

I did ask the bloke if the plate was because

A. he liked a smoke
B. it's selling them that paid for the car

(he never gave a proper answer)
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I dare say it was a combination of A and B then! I wonder if he gets pulled over by the police a lot?
Some years ago in London I did see a Roller in London with the index 50 5EXY.
Not the sort you'd forget.
Nowadays, of course, that kind of thing is illegal and you can be knicked for it.
I do believe your MOT can also fail if the number plate is not set out properly but I've never heard of anyone's car failing because of it.
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Tarby was fined for that number plate, there was a problem with the spacing of the letters on it.
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Am I right in thinking that Paul Daniels has MAG 1C?
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Thanks for that Baldric. Don't think I'll be forking out £150k for one though!

Wonder why he sold it?
Tarby was fined for that number plate, there was a problem with the spacing of the letters on it.

I thought he was fined for false advertising?
I've not seen a PEN15 (ever) but I did see a very flashy blue car going down the M5 with TEN15, always wondered whose it was.

In that case I will show you mine, Prudes
Gosh TY, it's quite cute but a bit small..

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Private Number Plates

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