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Connemmara | 07:53 Sat 09th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I know we have had discussions re this - but isn't awful - when I get a very bad bout of it - I can be miserable the rest of the day and can't wait to get back to bed to get another bout of it - never win


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If you don't sleep at night, do you sleep in the day? I find I do - it's rare I'm awake all night, but I catch up later with naps.
Come to bed with me and I would bore you to sleep in minutes....... ;-)
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funny sqad - you would have to drown me to sleep rather than bore me. We could get a water bed that would be a good way to drown. So unbelievable insomniac - don't worry being to doctors but you know yourself - pills are hard to find.

Never had this problem when I was working for 40 years or so - so I guess I am not industrious through the day enough that is the probem I think.
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Boxtops - if I even even even nap for 5 minutes - puts me right off for the night - I am unbelievable.
Hve you tried hops ? Make a pillow of dried hops - get them from a brew-it-yourself shop - and put the hop pillow under your regular pillow.
I once went hop picking, and slept like the dead every night of those 3 weeks.
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atalanta - would try anything - but in the name of god would I buy hops and what are they. Hope there is no smell from them cos I used lavender once and the smell of the lavender had me up all night.
I'm the same Conn, I don't sleep at night but I am weirdly wide awake during the day. It's rubbish :(
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sorry meant to where would i buy hops -
You may be able to find a shop which sells wine-making and beer-making supplies. Or find such a supplier on the internet. Hops are dried flowers of a creeper which sometimes grows wild in England, but are only ripe in the autumn. The scent is very sharp - a bit like limes. But if you want sleep, that scent will help you.
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I don't know Atalanta - know you are trying to help me but the smell of limes in my pillows like the lavender would have me up all night too.

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