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mrsmaveric | 09:00 Sun 10th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
its a cold one this morning...


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Yep it sure is mrsmaveric and snowing as well here.
It's snowing here in Bedfordshire too. I'm glad I don't really have to go out today.
Most of my family are still in Stoke Mrs. M and I know how cold it is there and how difficult it gets when it snows. It's all those hills.
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morning tonyav hi tilly2 its not snowing here yet but it is forecast,yes we can get it quite bad but it doesnt help when they dont grit the gridlock after just a few centimetres..same as most places i guess...
Yes, 'I'll be having a phone call later which will, no doubt have the phrase 'They've had it bad up Buxton' in it somewhere.
papers say it could get as cold as minus 7 next week , just when I thought spring was on its way, none of the white stuff in Essex so far.
we have just had two/three inches of snow fall in 30 mins, :(
thought it was a nice morning, blue skies, a little cloud, but cold.
Then it started a little flurry which has now stopped.

Good grief Anne :-(

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