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Memory Foam Pillow?

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yelenots | 12:29 Sun 10th Mar 2013 | Health & Fitness
24 Answers
I have bought a memory foam pillow as I have a trapped nerve in my neck that I am in agony with!
I usually sleep on 2 feather pillows and last night my head felt so low down - should I have bought 2 of them or is 1 sufficient?


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I have just read the one review on the site. It's not good but perhaps it was a one off. We are delighted with ours, so far.
You're right woof that is the problem, we are all different. I sleep on a tempur with a 13.5 tog duvet, electric blanket and have to have a hot-water bottle too!
I've got a quilt, not duvet, a blanket and two dogs. I am getting hot flushes but I don't get "hot" hot
Prudie, is it not dangerous to use a hot water bottle with an electric blanket?

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Memory Foam Pillow?

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