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Rugby National Anthem

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jamesnan | 16:37 Sun 10th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Why is it necessary, on almost every occasion recently for the Rugby matches, for the young lady singing the National Anthem, to stand wearing evening dress, usually with nothing on her arms etc in the freezing cold - what difference would it make if she was wearing a wrap, coat, or indeed even a shawl?
Just plain silly!!!


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true but by golly she looks good.
It's only fair that we're allowed to see if she's got the 'lungs' for the job, so to speak.....
I don't know who she is, but she's always there....
Maybe she likes doing it... if I was singing to a massive crowd and being filmed, I'd want to dress up some too.
She's brave considering it was so cold. she looks lovely too!
Because they come from Newcastle?
Let's try a different tack; why do we have the embarrassing "Here's a song about where I'm from", charade before evert sporting event?

I love big International games, but songs about the piece of land I was born on are faintly ridiculous. Why would a song tie me into some commnality with people I have never met or shared time with. Nice idea, but sorry.
What, like ... a "tuneful" rendition of Sussex By The Sea?

Before I am corrected, there are some great anthems, most particularly "Land of my Father2s" but that is beside the point.

Great song it may be, but why does anyone need to seek refuge in a song about their country?

Here we go,

"Oh we're so special, our politicians like to sing song, to stay in power, singing ooooo-omns, about our great wee country.............

Meanwhile, jobs are scarce and corpulent fuckw1ts get rich on the back of the populace...........
And our outdated anti - english mediocre folk song is way outdated; apologies to the remaining Corrie but it's true.

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Rugby National Anthem

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