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jd_1984 | 12:19 Mon 11th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Can somebody provide (the science) behind the male pre-occupation with breasts, their size, shape and our compulsion to stare at them???


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I had to Google "decolletage"!!
Bet you were nicely edicated JD ;)
Sqad writing for Pills and Swoon.....don't make me splutter.

"Lactation, Ibuprofen and Lingerie"

Joanna slipped out of her Janet Reger cream negligée, her gorgeous curves revealed as the silk unfurled around her, her aching milk-laden breasts hard against the Agent Provocateur bra that she had slipped on to excite Doctor David the night before.

"Buqqer, what have I done with my Neurofen? I need three of them to counter that headache from the NoM recommended wine, and the baby needs to go back to sleep so that I can go back to David and give him a morning bj."

She reached for her balsa-wood fasle teeth and her razor to trim back her moustache and......
Well, the last time I was in Africa, most of the women and men were walking around stark naked and kept staring at me because I had my clothes on.
The cave-man gave a female three glances:
1) the breasts, to see if she was likely to be able to nourish babies
2) the hips, to see if she was wide enough to deliver a baby successfully
3) the waist, to ensure as far as possible that she was not already pregnant by another man.
Primitive psychology.
Scientists claim that women are 20,000 years further along the path of evolution than men. I wonder why.

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