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droiched | 12:03 Tue 12th Mar 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
9 acr Mexican sun hat ( 8 ) trying to fit SOMBRERO bit my fifth letter is B ???any other spellings ?? S?M?B?R?


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how did you get the B?
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£ down... Bones of the foot ( 5 ) TIBIA
What gives you the B ?
tarsa - bones of the foot.
Tibia doesn't sound right
Tibia is between knee and ankle
Think bones of the foot = TARSI (yesterday's paper?)
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Thanks all !!
You're welcome.
Hi folks, if Tersi is correct that gives us Bass Tuba across, Please what is 4d
Mechanical musical instrument (6,5) B?r?e? ??g??.
Thanking you.
Barrel organ
Barrel Organ
barrel organ
Thank you folks, I feel stupid for not getting that, i really am struggling with this crossword this week.

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