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Sunshine Is Good For The Soul

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EvianBaby | 09:43 Wed 13th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
It's gorgeous here today. So nice that it's actually making me forget all my stresses.

I mean, I'm even allowing myself a post about the weather, and I hate posts about the weather!

Amazing what a bit of sunshine can do isn't it.


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It certainly is :-)
Thats very true EB. Its sunny here too. Am just off to work very soon but doesnt feel quite so bad as when I have to go and its dark and raining.
Evian, I agree, I think we all seem to suffer from what the dr's call 'SAD' in varying degrees. My worries and woes are easier to cope with in the sunshine.And it is sunny here !!
cheers people up no end.

Hi Ummm, how was your trip?
(sorry Evian)
Hope you enjoy your day EvianBaby. Its just started snowing again here just as Im about to go out. Oh well, stay on here a bit longer and enjoy another cuppa :>) It is amazing what sunshine can do, please send us some
(ummmm, I did email you, not sure if you got it)
Question Author
No problems Alb, I'd wondered if Ummmm was away somewhere.

Have a good day everyone & TOH, I think I'm just going to keep it here for a bit longer but I'll send it your way if I get bored of it...
Nice and sunny here too !
Yes, had a lovely trip. Freezing cold, lots of rain but hey, its Ireland. I didn't have high expectations weather wise.

Smow - which email address?
The sunshine is definitely good for the soul, shame it doesn't motivate me to do the housework, though
Yep, lovely here too.

Washing cushion covers to be put on the line.

Off out to have my nails done at lunchtime, courtesy of Elder Mini Boo as a mother's day/birthday present, so looking forward to that :-)
still got 5inches of snow here so cant get out and enjoy the sunshine....
Question Author
Sounds like a top day B00.

I'm stuck in the office but I have just spent 10 minutes watching a squirrel sunbath on the fence outside my window, so that's my excitement for the day.
just in from schoolrun with grandchildren everyones smiling and saying goodmorning, as the song goes what a difference a day makes .
I put my washing out in the lovely sunshine, and now it's snowing!
All morning it has been sunshine, then snow, then sunshine, then snow. It cant decide weather (pun) to be good or bad. Its not too cold though now. I did eventually get out this morning when it was sunny but got caught in snow coming back

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