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TWR | 19:08 Sun 17th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Should they be made to show ALL THEIR EXPENCES? & justify why? should they be allowed Subsidized meals? If they are sacked from their posts, should they be eligible for a position with the same salary?


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they do show all their expenses. Are you saying anyone who is sacked should not be able to get another ob unless it pays less?
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Michel the 10 Downing street lier has just obtained one, does that answer your Q.? Politicians
I'm pretty sure access to MP expenses is available to all those who are interested.

Subsidised meals, I can't say I have much of an opinion but there are many others who benefit from the same dining facility who are on a lesser wage, discriminating between the two would cost more than the value of the subsidy in all probability.

It is entirely up the the employer who they employ and what salary they offer.
no, i have no idea who michel is!
so if you get sacked, you should never be able to have a job again? Is that what you are saying?
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Does an Arrogant Cyclist come to Mind?
no, i have no idea who you are talking about.
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I am talking about these people. Politicians
christ, you don't make it easy do you? If you would just be expilict about what you're wibbling on about, i might be able to provide a sensible debate

Pulls up comfy chair and waits patiently!


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