i have a workmate who moved intoa new property last autumn and now nearly a year later he is making "some" progress, after the involvement of radio northampton, creating bad publicity for the company., and the involvement of the NHBC who have given the contractor deadlines to meet to correct the bad workmanship.if this fails the HSBC will put the work right before the cost implications fall on them through their guarentee system.
even they struggle to get snagging done by the contractor.
although in fact its not snagging, as rebuilding part of the front walls and bay windows(inc dwarf wall under the bay ) are the only sensible course of action.the stuff inside the home is endless
you have to bloody minded, be prepared for the long haul and get your retaliation in first. thats all bad builders understand. contact the local radio station, ask for their help.bad publicity is a useful tool for you so try and use it.
i am astonished that an electrician would sign an electrical completion certificate with socket outlets open and leaving exposed coductors that are live. if this is the case you are dealing with some bad people, although it sounds like your own solicitor could do with an ear bashing
good luck