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freebi 2 | 08:04 Wed 20th Mar 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
please can anyone help me with these
8) Christopher started with a fruit =
( Could only come up with explorer ? )
12) Nana the newfoundland =
( could only come up with Peter Pan ? )
27) Is it worth calling Jenny? =
( Again all I got was Wren, Pitman, Archer. )

Thanks for your time Freebi



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27 the author of the call the midwife books id jenny worth so could be midwife
Nana was the Children's Nurse in the Book
8. Plumber (Christopher Plummer the actor)
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Thankyou so much vic-lou and mazie I was really on the wrong wavelength
Thankyou again Freebi xxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy to help freebie

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