Mr O received a package in the post last week and it was obviously a book but he was secretive about it. He has not left it laying around and my mind was going into overdrive thinking about what it could be.
I've changed the bedding this morning and found it under his pillow. The book is about keeping llamas! When I casually mentioned it he said he had been thinking about taking up llama/alpaca keeping as a new hobby and said I could knit things from the wool.
The man has gone mad!
Just knitted a scarf, hat and gloves set with alpaca wool. Never again. Although it is lovely and soft it is also itchy and bits pull out of the garments. I have to wear it because it cost me £47 to buy the wool and I can't afford to waste it. Tell Mr. o not to bother.
Great minds, mrs o.....only yesterday evening I was saying that I would get llamas. The g/f said "No, get alpacas". Dead crafty. She knows that a reasoned response will mean the whole idea will be put in storage. If she'd responded "WHAT!!!!!" I would have been determined to argue the case and more set on getting them; it would become an 'idee fixe'.
in my head he was just ambling along one day, saw a field on offer for 2 strawberries and a piece of fluffy toffee and thought aha just what i need and it had been lying there ever since gathering dust