The F1 season is upon us ( wasn't that quick , eh ?)
It's obviously too early to have a good idea of how the teams have done over the interveining period ; but what's your guess / hope as to how you think , the various runners and riders will perform over the season ?
Please , if your'e not interested , then dont bother posting along the lines of
' cars going around in circles ' etc etc
I'm sorry to say that considering this was the first race of the season I switched off after the first few laps, You would have thought the BBC would have given it a bit more time than it has.
And yes I don't think that giving some of the races to SKY was a good idea I used to love the F1 but I probably won't bother with it too much now.
SKY won't be happy until they have the lot and I for one won't sign up.